Today I've got stuck with pretty much weird errors in eclipse while trying to use ccache and android ndk-build.
Apart from the fact that compiling was not successful, eclipse showed me dozens of errors which were complete nonsense. However, when I tried to compile project in cygwin console by calling ndk-build, everything well smoothly (well, not at the first time - see my next posts if you are having "Permission denied" error for accessing to some prebuilt libraries, or if you are having problems with undefined classes which are defined in std:: namespace).
But, if I tried to run program in eclipse - project run failed because of NDK errors. So, I've found a simple solution:
a) All NDK code build using command line and ndk-build all.
b) Close eclipse, open project root, and delete .cproject file - you will remove C++ support from the project
c) Use eclipse for everything else.