Sunday, April 21, 2013

make_unique in C++14


One of the smallest additions is actually great in its impact. It’s make_unique:
  1. auto u = make_unique<some_type>( constructor, parameters, here );
The reason make_unique has important impact is that now we can teach C++ developers to mostly never use explicit new again. In C++11 we already could teach to never use raw pointers and explicit delete again, except in rare cases that are hidden inside a class in order to do something like implement a low-level data structure. However, we could not teach to never write new because although make_shared was provided to create a shared_ptrnewwas still needed to create a unique_ptr. Now, instead of “new”, write make_unique or make_shared.
With draft C++14, we can say simply: Don’t use raw pointers, new and delete, except rarely when implementing low-level data structures. Allocate with make_unique or make_shared, use weak_ptr where appropriate to break cycles, and don’t worry about dangling pointers in C++ again.


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